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	author		= {Luca Bertelli and Shivkumar Chandrasekaran and Frederic Gibou and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {On the Length and Area Regularization for Multiphase Level Set Segmentation},
	journal		= {International Journal on Computer Vision},
	volume		= {90},
	number		= {3},
	pages		= {267--282},
	month		= {Dec},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Carter de Leo and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Multicamera video summarization from optimal reconstruction},
	booktitle	= {Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision},
	location	= {Queenstown, New Zealand},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Diego Piedrahita and Israel Hernandez and Alejandro Lopez-Tobon and Dmitry Fedorov and Boguslaw Obara and B. S. Manjunath and Ryan L. Boudreau and Beverly Davidson and Frank LaFerla and Juan Carlos Gallego-Gomez and Kenneth S. Kosik and and Gloria Patricia Cardona-Gomez},
	title		= {Silencing of CDK5 Reduces Neurofibrillary Tangles in Transgenic Alzheimer's Mice},
	journal		= {Journal of Neuroscience},
	volume		= {30},
	number		= {42},
	pages		= {13966--13976},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Jiejun Xu and Zefeng Ni and Carter De Leo and Thomas Kuo and and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Spatial-Temporal Understanding of Urban Scenes through Large Camera Network},
	booktitle	= {ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2010), Workshop on Multimodal Pervasive Video Analysis},
	location	= {Italy},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Vignesh Jagadeesh and B. S. Manjunath},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Zefeng Ni and Santhoshkumar Sunderrajan and Amir Rahimi and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Distributed Particle Filter Tracking With Online Multiple Instance Learning In a Camera Sensor Network},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {L. Nataraj and A. Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Precise Localization Of Key-points To Identify Local Regions For Robust Data Hiding},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Aruna Jammalamadaka and Swapna Joshi and S. Karthikeyan and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Discriminative Basis Selection using Non-negative Matrix Factorization},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
	month		= {Aug},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Zefeng Ni and Santhoshkumar Sunderrajan and Amir Rahimi and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Particle Filter Tracking With Online Multiple Instance Learning},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
	month		= {Aug},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Pradeep Koulgi and Mehmet Emre Sargin and Kenneth Rose and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Graphical Model-based Tracking of Curvilinear Structures in Bio-image Sequences},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
	month		= {Aug},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M.E. Sargin and P. Ghosh and B. S. Manjunath and K. Rose},
	title		= {Object Tracking with Ratio Cycles Using Shape and Appearance Cues},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
	pages		= {3649--3652},
	month		= {Aug},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Lakshmanan Nataraj and Gregoire Jacob and B.S.Manjunath},
	title		= {Detecting Packed Executables based on Raw Binary Data},
	booktitle	= {VRL, ECE},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Kaushal Solanki and and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Obtaining Higher Rates for Steganographic Schemes while Maintaining the Same Detectability},
	booktitle	= {Information Hiding Workshop 2010},
	location	= {Calgary, Canada},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Thomas Kuo and Zefeng Ni and Carter De Leo and and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Design and Implementation of a Wide Area, Large-Scale Camera Network},
	booktitle	= {IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Workshop on Camera Networks,},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Pratim Ghosh and M.E. Sargin and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Generalized Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation},
	booktitle	= {IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
	pages		= {1363--1370},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Swapna Joshi and S. Karthikeyan and B. S. Manjunath and Scott Grafton and Kent A. Kiehl},
	title		= {Anatomical Parts-Based Regression Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization},
	booktitle	= {IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
	pages		= {2863--2870},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Upamanyu Madhow and and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Matrix Embedding with Pseudorandom Coefficient Selection and Error Correction for Robust and Secure Steganography},
	journal		= {IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
	volume		= {5},
	number		= {2},
	pages		= {225--239},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Vishwakarma Singh and Pratim Ghosh and B. S. Manjunath and Ambuj Singh},
	title		= {Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Large Database},
	journal		= {IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
	volume		= {20},
	number		= {6},
	pages		= {870--885},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A.H.K. Roeder and V. Chickarmane and A.Cunha and B. Obara and B.S. Manjunath and E.M. Meyerowitz},
	title		= {Variability in the Control of Cell Division Underlies Sepal Epidermal Patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana},
	journal		= {PLoS Biology},
	volume		= {8},
	number		= {5},
	pages		= {e1000367},
	month		= {May},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {E. Moxley and T. Mei and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Video Annotation Through Search and Graph Reinforcement Mining},
	journal		= {IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
	volume		= {12},
	number		= {3},
	pages		= {184--193},
	month		= {Apr},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Laura E. Boucheron and B. S. Manjunath and and Neal R. Harvey},
	booktitle	= {Proc. of IEEE ICASSP},
	location	= {Dallas, Texas},
	pages		= {666--699},
	month		= {Mar},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Kristian Kvilekval and Dmitry Fedorov and Boguslaw Obara and Ambuj Singh and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Bisque: A  Platform for Bioimage Analysis and Management},
	journal		= {Bioinformatics},
	volume		= {26},
	number		= {4},
	pages		= {544--552},
	month		= {Feb},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Pratim Ghosh and Luca Bertelli and Baris Sumengen and and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {A Non-Conservative Flow Field for Robust Variational Image Segmentation},
	journal		= {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
	volume		= {19},
	number		= {2},
	pages		= {478--490},
	month		= {Feb},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {L. Nataraj and A. Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Improving re-sampling detection by adding noise},
	booktitle	= {Proceedings of SPIE, 2010, Media Forensics and Security},
	volume		= {7541},
	pages		= {75410I--75410I--11},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar},
	title		= {Novel Image Data-Hiding Methodologies for Robust and Secure Steganography with Extensions to Image Forensics},
	booktitle	= {Ph.D. Thesis},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Image Dependent Log-likelihood Ratio Allocation for Repeat Accumulate Code based Decoding in Data Hiding Channels},
	booktitle	= {Proceedings of SPIE, 2010, Media Forensics and Security},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	volume		= {7541},
	pages		= {754113--754113--6},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2010},
	url		= {},


	author		= {Elisa Drelie Gelasca and Boguslaw Obara and Dmitry Fedorov and Kristian Kvilekval and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {A biosegmentation benchmark for evaluation of bioimage analysis methods},
	journal		= {BMC Bioinformatics},
	volume		= {10},
	number		= {1},
	pages		= {368},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Zefeng Ni and Dong Tian and Sitaram Bhagavathy and Joan Llach and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Improving The Quality of Depth Image Based Rendering for 3D Video Systems},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2009},
	location	= {Cairo, Egypt},
	pages		= {513--516},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Double Embedding in the Quantization Index Modulation Framework},
	booktitle	= {International Conference on Image Processing, 2009},
	location	= {Cairo, Egypt},
	pages		= {3653--3656},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {L. Nataraj and A. Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Adding Gaussian Noise to Denoise JPEG for detecting Image Resizing},
	booktitle	= {International Conference on Image Processing, 2009},
	location	= {Cairo, Egypt},
	pages		= {1493--1496},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M.E. Sargin and L. Bertelli and B.S. Manjunath and K. Rose},
	title		= {Probabilistic Occlusion Boundary Detection on Spatio-Temporal Lattices},
	booktitle	= {12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,},
	location	= {Kyoto, Japan},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Pratim Ghosh and Mehmet Emre Sargin and and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Robust Dynamical Model for Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation in a Variational Framework: A Bayesian Approach},
	booktitle	= {12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
	location	= {Kyoto, Japan},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {B. Gretarsson and J. O'Donovan and S. Bostandjiev and T. Hollerer},
	title		= {WiGis: A Framework for Scalable Web-based Interactive Graph Visualizations},
	booktitle	= {17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing},
	location	= {Chicago, Il.},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Lakshmanan Nataraj and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Robust Key-point based Data Hiding},
	booktitle	= {VRL, ECE},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Lakshmanan Nataraj and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Detection of Seam Carving and Localization of Seam Insertions in Digital Images},
	booktitle	= {11th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security},
	location	= {Princeton, New Jersey},
	pages		= {107--116},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {J. O'Donovan and B. Gretarsson and S. Bostandjiev and T. Hollerer and B. Smyth},
	title		= {A Visual Interface for Social Information Filtering},
	booktitle	= {International Conference on Social Computing},
	location	= {Vancouver, Canada},
	pages		= {74–81},
	month		= {Aug},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {J. Kleban and E. Moxley and J. Xu and and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Global Annotation of Georeferenced Photographs},
	booktitle	= {Proceedings of ACM Conference on Image and Video Retrieval},
	location	= {Greece},
	month		= {Jul},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {E. Moxley and J. Kleban and J. Xu and and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Not All Tags Are Created Equal: Learning Flickr Tag Semantics for Global Annotation.},
	booktitle	= {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo},
	location	= {New York},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},
	author		= {J. Kleban and E. Moxley and and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {SpiritTagger: A Location-Aware Interactive Web Tool for Annotating Your Photo Collection.},
	booktitle	= {The Future of Interactive Media: Workshop on Media Arts, Science, and Technology (MAST)},
	location	= {Santa Barbara, CA},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2009},
	url		= {},


	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Upamanyu Madhow and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Estimating the Redundancy Factor for RA-encoded sequences and also Studying Steganalysis Performance of YASS},
	booktitle	= {VRL, ECE},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Dec},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Michael James Quinn},
	title		= {Toward Persistent Tracking and Identification in Camera Sensor Networks},
	booktitle	= {Ph.D. Thesis},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Dec},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Alphan Altinok and Erkan Kiris and Emre Sargin and Leslie Wilson and Stuart C. Feinstein and B.S. Manjunath and Kenneth Rose},
	title		= {Quantification of dynamic behavior of microtubules in living cells using novel computational methods},
	booktitle	= {38th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN)},
	location	= {Washington, DC, USA},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {E. Kiris and M. R. Gaylord and D. Ventimiglia and A. Altinok and M.E. Sargin and K. Rose and B.S. Manjunath and M. A. Jordan and L. Wilson and S. C. Feinstein},
	title		= {Effects of tau pseudo-phosphorylation at residues thr231 ser262 ser396 and ser404 upon regulation of microtubule dynamic instability in living cells},
	booktitle	= {38th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN)},
	location	= {Washington, DC, USA},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Xavier Anguera and JieJun Xu and Nuria Oliver},
	title		= {Multimodal Photo Annotation and Retrieval on a Mobile Phone},
	booktitle	= {ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR2008)},
	location	= {Vancouver, Canada},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Emily Moxley and Jim Kleban and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {SpiritTagger: A Geo-Aware Tag Suggestion Tool Mined from Flickr},
	booktitle	= {ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR2008)},
	location	= {Vancouver, Canada},
	pages		= {24--30},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Marco Zuliani and Luca Bertelli and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {An Automatic Method to Learn and Transfer the Photometric Appearance of Partially Overlapping Images},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {493--496},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Lakshmanan Nataraj and B. S. Manjunath and Upamanyu Madhow},
	title		= {Estimation of Optimum Coding Redundancy and Frequency Domain Analysis of Attacks for YASS - a Randomized Block Based Hiding Scheme},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {1292--1295},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Luca Bertelli and Pratim Ghosh and B. S. Manjunath and Frederic Gibou},
	title		= {Reference-based Probabilistic Segmentation as Non-Rigid Registration using Thin Plate Splines},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {3052--3055},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Michael J. Quinn and Thomas Kuo and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {A Lightweight Multiview Tracked Person Descriptor for Camera Sensor Networks},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {1976--1979},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M.E. Sargin and A. Altinok and K. Rose and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Conditional Iterative Decoding of Two Dimensional Hidden Markov Models},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {2552--2555},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Nhat Vu and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Graph Cut Segmentation of Neuronal Structures from Transmission Electron Micrographs},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {725--728},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Elisa Drelie Gelasca and Jiyun Byun and Boguslaw Obara and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Evaluation and Benchmark for Biological Image Segmentation},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	pages		= {1816--1819},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Nhat Bao Sinh Vu},
	title		= {Image Segmentation with Semantic Priors: A Graph Cut Approach},
	booktitle	= {Ph.D. Thesis},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M. Quinn and R. Mudumbai and T. Kuo and Z. Ni and C. De Leo and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {VISNET: A Distributed Vision Testbed},
	booktitle	= {ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2008},
	location	= {Vienna},
	pages		= {364--371},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Luca Bertelli and Baris Sumengen and B.S. Manjunath and Frederic Gibou},
	title		= {A Variational Framework for Multi-Region Pairwise Similarity-based Image Segmentation},
	journal		= {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
	volume		= {30},
	number		= {8},
	pages		= {1400--1414},
	month		= {Aug},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Jim Kleban and Xing Xie and Wei-Ying Ma},
	title		= {Spatial Pyramid Mining For Logo Detection in Natural Scenes},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
	location	= {Hannover, Germany},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Emily Moxley and Tao Mei and Xian-Sheng Hua and Wei-Ying Ma and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Automatic Video Annotation Through Search and Mining},
	booktitle	= {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
	location	= {Hannover, Germany},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Nhat Vu and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Shape Prior Segmentation of Multiple Objects with Graph Cuts},
	booktitle	= {IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
	location	= {Anchorage, Alaska, USA},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Vishwakarma Singh and Pratim Ghosh and B. S. Manjunath and Ambuj Singh},
	title		= {Duplicate Video Detection - Comparison of Proposed Distance Function with Dynamic Time Warping and Dependence of Detection Accuracy on Keyframe Selection},
	booktitle	= {VRL Technical Report},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {May},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M. E. Sargin and A. Altinok and K. Rose and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Deformable Trellis: Open Contour Tracking in Bio-Image Sequences},
	booktitle	= {IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'08)},
	location	= {Las Vegas, USA},
	month		= {Apr},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Vishwakarma Singh and Pratim Ghosh and B. S. Manjunath and Ambuj Singh},
	title		= {Discussion of a Pruning Scheme for Top-K Retrievals Among Vector Quantizer Encoded Signatures},
	booktitle	= {VRL, ECE},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Apr},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Laura E. Boucheron},
	title		= {Object- and Spatial-Level Quantitative Analysis of Multispectral Histopathology Images for Detection and Characterization of Cancer},
	booktitle	= {Ph.D. Thesis},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Mar},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M. Zuliani and L. Bertelli and C. Kenney and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Drums, curve descriptors, and affine invariant region matching},
	journal		= {Image and Vision Computing},
	volume		= {26},
	number		= {3},
	pages		= {347--360},
	month		= {Mar},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Laura E. Boucheron and Neal R. Harvey and and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {On Using Cytoplasm and Stroma Features in Automated Cancer Diagnosis},
	booktitle	= {Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining},
	location	= {Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Jiyun Byun and DeeAnn Hartung and Stuart Feinstein and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Quantifying Cell Viability in Cultured Cells},
	booktitle	= {Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining},
	location	= {Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Boguslaw Obara and Michael Veeman and William Smith and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Segmentation and analysis of notochord cells in 3D microscope data},
	booktitle	= {Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining},
	location	= {Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Boguslaw Obara and Jiyun Byun and Dmitry Fedorov and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Automatic nuclei detection and dataflow in Bisquik system},
	booktitle	= {Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining},
	location	= {Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Elisa Drelie Gelasca and Jiyun Byun and Boguslaw Obara and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Benchmark for evaluating biological image analysis tools},
	booktitle	= {Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining},
	location	= {Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Pratim Ghosh and Emily Moxley and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Video Fingerprinting: Features for Duplicate and Similar Video Detection and Query-based Video Retrieval},
	booktitle	= {SPIE - Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems II},
	location	= {San Jose, California},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Anindya Sarkar and Kaushal Solanki and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Further Study on YASS: Steganography Based on Randomized Embedding to Resist Blind Steganalysis},
	booktitle	= {SPIE - Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents (X)},
	location	= {San Jose, California},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Sarkar and K. Sullivan and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Steganographic Capacity Estimation for the Statistical Restoration Framework},
	booktitle	= {SPIE - Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents (X)},
	location	= {San Jose, California},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2008},
	url		= {},


	author		= {Laura E. Boucheron and Neal R. Harvey and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {A Quantitative Object-Level Metric for Segmentation Performance and Its Application to Cell Nuclei},
	booktitle	= {International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC)},
	location	= {Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California},
	pages		= {208--219},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Altinok and E. Sargin and E. Kiris and L. Wilson and S. C. Feinstein and B.S. Manjunath and K. Rose},
	title		= {Segmenting filamentous biological structures by automated tracing},
	booktitle	= {Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SfN)},
	location	= {San Diego, CA},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {E. Kiris and M. R. Gaylord and J. Reifert and M.E. Sargin and A. Altinok and K. Rose and B.S. Manjunath and M. A. Jordan and L. Wilson and S. C. Feinstein},
	title		= {Effects of combinatorial tau pseudophosphorylation upon microtubule binding assembly andthe regulation of dynamic instability in vitro},
	booktitle	= {Society for Neuroscience (SfN)},
	location	= {San Diego, CA, USA},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {E. Drelie Gelasca and S. Joshi and J. Kleban and S. Mangiat and B.S. Manjunath and E. Moxley and A. Sarkar and and J. Xu},
	title		= {The Vision Research Lab of UCSB at TRECVID 2007},
	booktitle	= {Proceedings of the TRECVID 2007 Workshop},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Alphan Altinok and B. S. Manjunath and Kenneth Rose},
	title		= {Extracting Dynamic Microtubule Features from Image Sequences},
	booktitle	= {Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers (ACSSC)},
	location	= {Monterey, CA},
	month		= {Nov},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Pratim Ghosh and E. Drelie Gelasca and K.R. Ramakrisnan and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Duplicate Image Detection in Large Scale Databases},
	publisher		= {Book Chapter in Platinum Jubilee Volume},
	editor		= {Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Luca Bertelli and Marco Zuliani and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Pairwise Similarities across Images for Multiple View Rigid/Non-Rigid Segmentation and Registration},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV07)},
	location	= {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
	month		= {Oct},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {J. Kleban and A. Sarkar and E. Moxley and S. Mangiat and S. Joshi and T. Kuo and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Feature fusion and redundancy pruning for rush video summarization},
	booktitle	= {International Workshop on TRECVID Video Summarization},
	location	= {Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany},
	pages		= {84--88},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Luca Bertelli and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Edge Preserving Filters Using Geodesic Distances on Weighted Orthogonal Domains},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2007 (ICIP07)},
	location	= {San Antonio, TX},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M. E. Sargin and A. Altinok and K. Rose and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Tracing Curvilinear Structures in Live Cell Images},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 07)},
	location	= {San Antonio, TX},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {L. Bertelli and Jiyun Byun and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {A Variational Approach to Exploit Prior Information in Object-Background Segregation: Application to Retinal Images},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 07)},
	location	= {San Antonio, TX},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Elisa Drelie Gelasca and Joriz De Guzman and Steffen Gauglitz and Pratim Ghosh and JieJun Xu and Emily Moxley and Amir M. Rahimi and Zhiqiang Bi and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {CORTINA: Searching a 10 Million + Images Database},
	booktitle	= {VRL, ECE},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Nhat Vu and and Pratim Ghosh and B.S Manjunath},
	title		= {Retina layer segmentation and spatial alignment of antibody expression levels},
	booktitle	= {International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'07)},
	location	= {San Antonio, Texas},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Estimating Steganographic Capacity for Odd-Even Based Embedding and its Use in Individual Compensation},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
	location	= {San Antonio, TX},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Sarkar and K. Solanki and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Secure Steganography: Statistical Restoration in the Transform Domain with Best Integer Perturbations to Pixel Values},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
	location	= {San Antonio, Texas},
	month		= {Sep},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Alphan Altinok and Erkan Kiris and Austin Peck and Stuart Feinstein and Leslie Wilson and B. S. Manjunath and Kenneth Rose},
	title		= {Model based dynamics analysis in live cell microtubule images},
	journal		= {BMC Cell Biology},
	location	= {BioMed Central},
	volume		= {8},
	month		= {Jul},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Laura E. Boucheron and Zhiqiang Bi and Neal R. Harvey and B. S. Manjunath and David L. Rimm},
	title		= {Utility of multispectral imaging for nuclear classification of routine clinical histopathology imagery},
	journal		= {BMC Cell Biology},
	location	= {BioMed Central},
	volume		= {8},
	month		= {Jul},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Jiyun Byun},
	title		= {Quantitative Analysis and Modeling of Confocal Retinal Images},
	booktitle	= {Ph.D. Thesis},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Kaushal Solanki and Anindya Sarkar and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {YASS: Yet Another Steganographic Scheme that Resists Blind Steganalysis},
	booktitle	= {9th International Workshop on Information Hiding},
	location	= {Saint Malo, Brittany, France},
	month		= {Jun},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {M.E. Sargin and A. Altinok and E. Kiris and L. Wilson and S. Feinstein and K. Rose and B.S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Tracing Microtubules in Live Cell Images},
	booktitle	= {IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'07)},
	location	= {Metro Washington DC, USA},
	month		= {Apr},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Sarkar and K. Solanki and U. Madhow and S. Chandrasekaran and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Secure Steganography: Statistical Restoration of the Second Order Dependencies for Improved Security},
	booktitle	= {32nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
	location	= {Honolulu, Hawaii},
	month		= {Apr},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Vebjorn Ljosa and Ambuj K. Singh},
	title		= {APLA: Indexing Arbitrary Probability Distributions},
	booktitle	= {23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)},
	pages		= {946--955},
	month		= {Apr},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Sarkar and U. Madhow and S. Chandrasekaran and B. S. Manjunath},
	title		= {Adaptive MPEG-2 Video Data Hiding Scheme},
	booktitle	= {SPIE Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX},
	month		= {Jan},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {Samuel Frame and S. Rao Jammalamadaka},
	title		= {Generalized Mixture Models, Semi-supervised Learning, and Unknown Class Inference},
	journal		= {Advances in Data Analysis and Classification},
	location	= {Springer},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {T. Manna and G. Grenningloh and HP Miller and L. Wilson},
	title		= {Stathmin Family Protein SCG10 Differentially Regulates the Plus and Minus ends Dynamics of Microtubules at Steady State in Vitro: Implications for its role in Neurite Outgrowth},
	journal		= {Biochemistry},
	volume		= {46},
	pages		= {3543--3552},
	year		= {2007},
	author		= {Vebjorn Ljosa and Ambuj K. Singh},
	title		= {Top-k Spatial Joins of Probabilistic Objects},
	booktitle	= {Center for Bio-Image Informatics},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	year		= {2007},
	author		= {S.K. Fisher and M.R. Verardo and J. Byun and G.P. Lewis and G. Luna and S. Kjellstrom and P. Sieving},
	title		= {Reduced glial hypertrophy and increased neuronal reactivity following retinal detachment in mice deficient in GFAP and vimentin.},
	booktitle	= {Center for Bio-Image Informatics,},
	location	= {University of California, Santa Barbara},
	year		= {2007},
	author		= {V. Singh and A. Bhattacharya and A. K. Singh and C. Banna and G. P. Lewis and S. K. Fisher},
	title		= {QUIP: Querying Significant Patterns from Image Databases},
	booktitle	= {Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB},
	year		= {2007},
	url		= {},
	author		= {A. Bhattacharya and S. C. Feinstein and A. LeBoeuf and S. Levy and A. K. Singh and L. Wilson},
	title		= {A General Modeling and Visualization Tool for Comparing Different Members of a Group: Application to Understanding Tau-Mediated Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics},
	booktitle	= {Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB},
	year		= {2007},
