Tau Isoform-specific Modulation of Kinesin-driven Microtubule Gliding Rates and Trajectories As Determined With Tau-stabilized Microtubules
We have utilized tau-assembled and tau-stabilized microtubules (MTs), in the absence of taxol, to investigate the effects of tau isoforms with three and four MT binding repeats upon kinesin-driven MT gliding. MTs were assembled in the presence of either 3-repeat tau (3R tau) or 4-repeat tau (4R tau) at tau:tubulin dimer molar ratios that approximate those found in neurons. MTs assembled with 3R tau glided at 31.1 l m/min versus 25.8 l m/min for 4R tau, a statistically significant 17% difference. Importantly, the gliding rates for either isoform did not change over a fourfold range of tau concentrations. Further, tau-assembled MTs underwent minimal dynamic instability behavior while gliding and moved with linear trajectories. In contrast, MTs assembled with taxol in the absence of tau displayed curved gliding trajectories. Interestingly, addition of 4R tau to taxol-stabilized MTs restored linear gliding, while addition of 3R tau did not. The data are consistent with the ideas that (i) 3R and 4R tau-assembled MTs possess at least some isoform-specific features that impact upon kinesin translocation, (ii) tau-assembled MTs possess different structural features than do taxol-assembled MTs, and (iii) some features of tau-assembled MTs can be masked by prior assembly by taxol. The differences in kinesin-driven gliding between 3R and 4R tau suggest important features of tau function related to the normal shift in tau isoform composition that occurs during neural development as well as in neurodegeneration caused by altered expression ratios of otherwise normal tau isoforms.
Cytoskeleton, vol. 68, pp. 44-55, Jan. 2011.
Node ID: 574 ,
DB ID: 383 ,
Lab: VRL ,
Target: Journal
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