Secure Steganography: Statistical Restoration in the Transform Domain with Best Integer Perturbations to Pixel Values

A. Sarkar(a), K. Solanki(b) and B. S. Manjunathy(a)

a) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

b) Mayachitra Inc.
5266 Hollister Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
[PDF] [BibTex]
A. Sarkar, K. Solanki and B. S. Manjunath,
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, Texas, Sep. 2007.
Node ID: 458 , DB ID: 262 , Lab: NO_PUB , Target: Proceedings
Subject: [Digital Watermarking and Data Hiding] « Look up more