Peer group image enhancement
C. Kenney, Y. Deng, B. S. Manjunath, and G. Hewer
Peer group image processing identifies a "peer group" for each pixel and then replaces the pixel intensity with the average over the peer group. Two parameters provide directly control over which image fea- tures are selectively enhanced: area (number of pixels in the feature) and window diameter (window size needed to enclose the feature). A discussion is given of how these parameters determine which features in the image are smoothed or preserved. We show that the Fisher discriminant can be used to automatically adjust the PGA parameters at each point in the image. This local parameter selection allows smoothing over uniform regions while preserving features like corners and edges. This adaptive procedure extends to multilevel and color forms of PGA. Comparisons are made with a variety of standard filtering techniques and an analysis is given of com-putational complexity and convergence issues.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 326-334, Feb. 2001.
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