Incremental Evolution in Genetic Programming
Jay F. Winkeler and B. S. Manjunath
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
E-mail: jay [at] ,manj [at]
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
E-mail: jay [at] ,manj [at]
This paper presents a study of different methods of using incremental evolution with genetic programming. Incremental evolution begins with a population already trained for a simpler but related task. No other systematic study of this method seems to be available. Experimental evidence shows the technique provides a dependable means of speeding up the solution of complex problems with genetic programming. A novel approach that protects against poor choices of problem simplifications is proposed, improving performance. Testing performed on tracking problems of multiple stages is analyzed.
Third Annual Conference on Genetic Programming, pp. 403-411, Jul. 1998.
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