Genetic programming for object detection

Jay F. Winkeler and B. S. Manjunath
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
E-mail: jay [at] ,manj [at]


This paper examines genetic programming as a machine learning technique in the context of object detection. Object detection is performed on image features and on gray-scale images themselves, with different goals. The generality of the solutions discovered, over the training set and over a wider range of images, is tested in both cases. Using genetic programming as a means of testing the utility of algorithms is also explored. Two programs generated using different features are hierarchically combined, improving the results to 1.4% false negatives on an untrained image, while saving processing.
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J. F. Winkeler and B. S.Manjunath,
Genetic Programming 1997 Conference, pp. 330-335, Stanford, CA, USA, Jul. 1997.
Node ID: 263 , DB ID: 59 , VRLID: 42 , Lab: VRL , Target: Proceedings
Subject: [Object-Based Retrieval] « Look up more