Multitype point process analysis of spines on the dendrite network of a neuron


We develop methods for analysing the spatial pattern of events, classified into several types, that occur on a network of lines. The motivation is the study of small protrusions called ‘spines’ which occur on the dendrite network of a neuron. The spatially varying density of spines is modelled by using relative distributions and regression trees. Spatial correlations are investigated by using counterparts of the K-function and pair correlation function, where the main problem is to compensate for the network geometry. This application illustrates the need for careful analysis of spatial variation in the intensity of points, before assessing any evidence of clustering.
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A. Baddeley, A. Jammalamadaka and G. Nair ,
Journal of Royal Statistical Society, vol. Series C (Applied Statistics), Feb. 2014.
Node ID: 207 , DB ID: 421 , Lab: VRL , Target: Proceedings